be prepared to get everything all cleaned up.
Maybe, just maybe, we can learn to relax and realize “Life is funny. Life is messy. Life is good.”
First step, take a breath and just laugh! Make fun out of the mess.
Take a cue from Clorox® and make the everyday yuck in your life just a little bit more fun!
Instead of screaming out in anguish the next time another bowl of your toddler’s oatmeal hits the floor, bust out some of Clorox’s Ick-tionary lingo and think of it as an opportunity to squeeze in some daily spillates!
Spillates (spil-lah-teez)
Stretching exercises that tone muscles and improve flexibility when you’re wiping up spills under tables and on countertops.
Just make sure you read up on what surfaces your specific wipe formula is best for. I’d hate for you to strip the finish on your custom painted bedroom dresser!
Wanna see how I’m laughing at the everyday messes in my life? Check out the fun “Ick-words” I came up with for these messy scenarios!
For the mommas:
This cereal killer may get away with an early morning massacre! One wipe and all traces of this milkastrophe will vanish.
cereal killer (seer-ee-uhl kil-er)
One who destroys their breakfast morning after morning.
milkastrophe (mil-kas-truh-fee)
Milk spill of epic proportion.
Picass-No!!!! (raises fist in air) Sometimes my budding artist is messier than I would like.
Picass-no (pi-kahs-noh)
Messy maker. Future artist? Yes? No? Still to be determined?
For the thrifters and refinishers:
Ever scared that you or your family will catch RE-bola Virus from your furniture finds and vintage goods? You may feel better after you give your pieces a good Clorox® wipe down.
REbola Virus (ree-boh-luh vahy-ruhs)
Illness caused by indeterminable filth found on used and vintage items.
Krakatoe (krak-uh-toe)
Volcanic-esque eruption caused by an untimely foot to hard object incident.
Mount Pinchatubo (mount pinch-uh-too-boh)
Explosion of toothpaste when a heavy hand exerts extreme pressure on the outside of the toothpaste tube.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective. The content and opinions expressed here are all my own. I use Clorox Wipes or baby wipes, whatever’s closest, to do 98% of my daily surface cleaning!
Very funny! I don't have kiddie messes here any more but I sure do have icky thrifting gunk to clean up.
Such a Cute post!! We have lots of those ICKY messes here.. Now I can say I have learned the names of those messes 😉